Tuesday, August 03, 2004

i dont think i will be falling back asleep for awhile.

I Am awake crying from a dream.

what is even stranger is I am crying over a donkey that I drempt about.

What is stranger than that is what the cicumstances were around how I obtained the donkey.

Apprently the compnay i was working for had a theromodynamic time travel department that was controlled in combination with phycic control.

Somehow I got involved in the project. And out of work I was testing my abilities in the industrial area of east williamsburg. And I was upset in the dream over something and being upset casued time travel not to happen but displacement of the buidling. Think decontructivism architechture meets salvidore dali. Well somehow in my mishap I had transfered a small donkey but nothing else he was the same ratio of donkey to shrek as the donkey was to me. And I had to carry this small but heavy donkey through this floor that was displaced and I got back to my car and I had multitudes of parking ticketsand the cop also attached a report to it about how I was taking drugs and stealing things from work and breaking things in the industrial park.

I put the hungry donkey in the car took the tickets off the windshiled (3 to be exact and it added up to thousands of dollrs) and drove back to work where I would my mother there waiting. My co-worker was leaving and said i should feed the donkey, but I didnt want anyone to take him from me so I told my mom to wait in the back while I went to get an apple or something. And I couldnt find and apple so I was taking down granola bars to feed him and 2 CIA/FBI guys came in explianing to me that they gave me these tickets becasue they cant have me doing this agian (fuking up these buildings) and they were accusing me of taking a live animal from the time travel and they didnt know where he came from)whenI woke up I realized they ment centry and if he would be carring any disese and I think they wanted to test him to see his molecluer structure and the effects of the time travel was, along with other evil goventment things...) and in my dream my momstarted walking toward them not knowing they were there mostly becasue they donkey was pulling at me to see me.. and I started crying hysterically in the dream screaming please dont take him away from me he's all i have. please dont take him my best friends died and i cant deal with out all this painof losing him.

And for some reason, this is causing me to cry now. Just the thought of the donkey begin taken from me.

this obviously has grater significance if it woke me up from my sleep and i am sitting in the living room typing and crying.


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