Sunday, December 04, 2005

sleeping in a winter wonder land

the other day i realized, for as long as I can remember we always get a really bad winter storm around the 5th of December. I only know this becasue I HATE driving in the snow, so i always cut class and stayed home, or called in sick to work, or even blown off holiday parties. And it is usually the 5th, sometimes the 4th. I did not think anything of it in the last day or so. Until, I woke up this morning, in this early dawn and the white roofs and trees were in my vision.

I always love waking up early to see the sidewalks and streets with out many tracks in it. In brooklyn on a sunday 6 am it is still tracked through, but it doesnt matter.

the snow makes everything look to peaceful and still. and in my heart and mind it is like moment of purity

I can not wait to get up and go out for breakfast and walk in the snow. If it were up to me, I would get out of my pjs now and go for a walk and enjoy the silence. i would rather walk alone, at night in the snow, or hand in hand with j with out talking. just the sound of our feet in the pure innocence of the freshly fallen layer of snow.


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