Monday, October 31, 2005

apartment rants

a series of combined rants on apartment

MONDAY OCTOBER 24 2005 4:40 AM
i was given an order which was: you can not rant while we are on vacationwell i am posting a journal entry to avoid verbal ranting about our almost former landlords. who managed to keep all their belongings a mess unltil they started showing our apartment. They had put things in front of of all out windows so we couldnt see out. they had left a box with a sink in it for 9 months (along with all their crap piled waist high- i cant tell you how many times shit fell on me) in the common grounds of the foyer. they slept in the backyard all summer and listened to us have sex from the laundry room and now to show the apartment they cleaned everything- all the messes they made. everything looks nice. so my theory on them not liking us and wanting us to leave is accurate in my mind. it actually hurts me on some weird level that individuals considered my life to be below the lives of others. fuck you. i hope the next people screw you out of rent and dont fix things themselves. and oh, they are charging 200/more per month then what we are paying. so dont move here, if your looking in williamsburg dont move to this place. they will hate you too. and be messy too one day.

we found a new apartment!!!!!! its GIGANTIC!!! its 2 blocks from where we live now hahah right by the pizza place!!its a 2 bedroom with a big living room and kictheni am so happy!

SATURDAY AUGUST 06 2005 5:56 PM5. count them, 5. that is why people do 15 loads of laundry a day. 1. tshirt2. undershirt3. napkin4. man's underwear5. tshirtwe're in the middle of a heat wave, and people do 5 articles of clothing at a time. Fucks sake, go to a therapist and get help, washing 5 things, 80 times a day is overkill. so i removed their items from the washer. stuck them in dryer. Removed semi dry items from dryer, folded placed on top of giant pile of washed clothes. put my belongings in dryer. when dry will place 5 wet items back in dryer to finish will write note. out of control.

THURSDAY AUGUST 04 2005 12:36 PM
is it possible that people can do as much laundry as the people who live in the house we live in?I have been home since basically Friday night. All weekend, like every other weekend, we have not been able to get one load of laundry in. Yesterday, I started doing laundry as soon as someone emptied the dryer. It must have been 11 am. I had 2 loads of colors, one load of whites. I did not do sheets this week. 3 loads. Apparently, this was 3 too many since every 30 minutes someone came down and banged around in the laundry room. Finally I finished all of our laundry. Since yesterday at 4 pm, I have heard the spin cycle 5 times. They are insane. how can 2 people who do not work, have the ability to make that many dirty clothes. There are 6 people living in this house. 2 per floor. We are LUCKY if we get one load in a week. most of the time, we know we are lucky, so we cram everything possible into it. Usually, this one load annoys them as if we run out for an hour and leave the clothes in the dryer we come home and all our clothes are folded. I can not believe i am bitching about laundry

one thins most of you people know about me if they actually know me is that I am a very private person about certian things.

Yes, i strip on stage for fun

Yes, I like being on stage
Yes, I can speak in public
Yes I like to talk about sex etc

Let me start off by saying, unless I know you are there watching me have sex, or i know you and know you are a passive participant in my sex life, ie: you were invited, I dont like people listening to me have sex. fucking, making love, or just plain old sex. For that matter even jerking off. let me also state next my bathroom is also next to the backyard patio, so unless the shade is fully closed you can sit at the picnic table and see inside my house (living room included) its been hot out my landlords seem to do laundry every time J and I have sex.


So I dont normally hear them. and then i'll state something dirty kinda loud and i'll hear the washer door close. Or we'll be having sex and people stand outside our bedroom talking for 20 minutes. You'd have to be deaf not to hear the action. This has been going on for 9 months. I cant even look at these people. The wife/lady person isnt nice. The guy is ok and i'll chat with him but i feel really awkward and most of the time having people 5 feet from my bed (doing laundry, talking or getting mail) ruins the mood for me. Now, they have a tent set up in the backyard and have been sleeping in it all week. which means I cant even poop or pee in my bathroom with out someone hearing it because the tent is about 5 feet from the window. We are going to have to move. I am very uncomfortable. I tried to rehearse last night, and even with the blinds shut. I couldn't. I mean I am sure they are tired of hearing Britney Spears coming from my window if they are living outside for the last week. but fuck. this sucks

June 16
does anyone else

find it odd that the landlords are sleeping in a tent in the backyard?

Macrh 18
ahh the heat drama continues

last night, the radiator above the bed decided to explode steam while i was sleeping under it. It rained on me, on the bed all over the walls and there was so much steam the fire alarm was going off. There was yellowish water all over the place. It could have been worse it could have been HOT yellow water that was comming from the radiator.

We turned off the boiler at the source. Called the landlords. left a note. no answer. I hear from him this morning, oh i didnt get the message until I was on the way over here.

no wonder why this isnt bothering you frezzing to death you have somewhere else to sleep at night- I DONT

so hopefully we find a place this weekend and get to move by mid month. If we dont find a place now we wont be movig till AFTER PR in may

march 13
no heat
we had no power for awhile
getting tired of the current apartment. must start looking. want to stay in williamsburg


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