Friday, April 27, 2007

there and back again

so we went to mexico. and it was amazing. life lost much of its luster while we were gone, well not all of life. but some of it- like work and people in general. and i feel not older but more apethetic about something. maybe its the rain, maybe its just pms.

i have noticed i could care less about going out all night anymore, or drinking until i want to vomit. in fact i would like to avoid the last part of that statment and never vomit again.

things are as they seem and maybe for the first time in a while i am not as disillusioned as i have been in the past. mainly that is about work, and since work has taken over my life- it means i am pretty blahh about my job right now. but i hope it will change. i think i managed to talk to the right people about things.

i just want to be back on isla mujeres. in a hammock with a drink in my hand.


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