Thursday, August 16, 2007

sunburn and turtles

yeah, this week was painful on so many levels. the sunburn, the stomach pain from the percocet, the headache aftermath was even worse. But after about 25 hours of sleep in less than 36 hours- I am feeling better. Still a little pukey- but much better.

I would like to think the pain in the last 100 hours was worth it swimming with sea turtles and floating in the ocean. But I am not so sure. Don't get me wrong- I enjoyed every minute of the ocean thing (except my sea sickness) and being in the water is always so wonderful. But it has lead me to fear the sun like a 16 year old goth girl.

The last few days have also inspired me to do as little work as possible while at work. I can't concentrate for all that long at one stretch and I still have a small amount of confusion. I am hoping that a calm and low-key weekend will center me. That and some yoga.

I think I mostly want to do to yoga.


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