Tuesday, December 13, 2005

at home rituals

every morning before i actually do anything
1. I shop for latex on ebay. i make sure no auctions are ending during the day that i want. I make sure I know every new peice listed.

2. I shop on ebay for a table. A specific 1950's 4 chair, table rectangle with a leaf which would open to between 48 and 52 inches. I want white Formica, chrome sides and 4 chairs. I want the chairs in red and white cracked ice. I would also take a red Formica topped table or a table with the Formica shapes cut into it, such as apples or flowers. pink wasnt common on the tables. Red, yellow white and green. In that order you see the tables listed. The past 2 weeks the lead has been yellow.
And I just dont want a yellow table in my kitchen.

So since my internet addiction began, there has always been things I MUST do before the day begins. The de-evolution has been:

1950's chrome table, blogs, latex clothing/parties, apartment, cancun job, fetish parties, apartments, veiques, purto rico, vacation spots, suicide girls, burlesque, jobs, woman to sleep with, myspace, apartments, blogs, looking for new friends, woman to sleep with, apartments, vacations, justin (blog/letters/misc info), belly dance, boys to sleep with, music, boys to sleep with, anime, kimono to buy, japanese culture, lesbianism/bisexuality, MUDS/online role play, anime, chat, role play

justin refers to it as my shopping/gathering mode. I think of it as hunting. I dont really need to buy or own these things as much as I like to look for them. If i find them, I buy and stop what I am looking for, unless of course it becomes a collecting situation like latex and kimono.

its fixin' to be a big storm on thursday into friday. which is discouraging since a good friend will be traveling from seattle back to ny for our office holiday party. (our job is so welcoming it even has employees back to celebrate!) I will be busy tonight and tomorrow working on baking for the event. And then friday night I have some shopping to get done if the MTA is not on strike.



At 4:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha- found you.

Oh my god, those are so tacky - i dig it.

Big storm? Had no idea, i should probably check that out...

At 8:39 AM , Blogger withoutaname said...

hey there, i notice you found me!

you should start a blog!


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