Saturday, January 21, 2006

taxing my brain

its been a hell of a week. knee deep in a project and it birthed a new one. I will be away most of feb. between conferences, the new project and a personal trip to seattle. I don't want to go anywhere on the days justin and i are taking off, i want to stay home and lay around and snuggle. because when it is march I will be away again for 2 full weeks all on work plus a weekend. maybe this time J will take a day off and meet me in flordia so we can lay on a beach!

it is really exiting all the opportunity and development of my brain. pushing myself to limits I didn't think I would find out in the real world of work outside of higher ed. the excitement of having 6 weeks to develop a course, all the materials needed, have review sessions, trial runs, and be in the classroom for the first time in front of a group of students, teaching them something you adore.

this past week a small group of us sat locked in a room for 5 days dealing with the massive amounts of printed materials used in our entire training department. we found all the major problems, decided on standards to implement, and training needs to get our curriculum designers up to speed. the next 6 weeks will be insane. You have to add to the fact I will also be developing another small program with a colleague to implement instructor usage of the testing and tracking program for online courses and also transitioning training to do support of our online learning applications to additional individuals for assistance.

this all days place around 5 days of personal business in seattle, and 5 days in savannah at a conference, 4 days of training for myself in New York, and a 4 day weekend for justin and I.

my brain is terrified and excited all at the same time.


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