insert thought provoking title here
there comes a point in one's life in which you just realize it is the same patterns that repeat themselves. The only thing changing is the circumstances, the people and how you react.
Those reactions, how you hold yourself are what marks changes, and in essence, growth. And growth signifies age, and maturity.
Events have lead me to believe, like the dress I wore 3 years ago to Lamore's, and wore again last evening have signified a chapter in which has ended in my life. Conversations, observations and reactions are what made me realize the change within myself.
I am not longer the little girl who used to be so hurt and naive.
I have accepted the growth and change within myself, finally. Watching myself last evening from a 3rd person point of view is proof that I am still the same person. However, the same person has come to point in their life where they accept themselves for who they are. And forgive others for the choices they make. And no longer care to get angry over actions that others make. Because after all, they are not you, do not think like you, do not hold the same standards as you. They see things through their eyes, and probably never stop to think what it is like through yours. I am fortunate enough to now be able to see differently. And I am proud of the change that has occurred inside of me, because it allows me to see myself more clearly, and see others as just human. And actions although I used to be so angry about, and trust that always felt so betrayed, is nothing. I have come to accept people 's behavior on the whole. And certain things no longer anger me, where 6 months ago they would have.
in reality life is like water, always changing, always moving, never staying the same. Chance come to pass and never travel under the same bridge. In moments things pass and if your lucky, you make under a few bridges before your set off in another direction.
If I remember correctly in old Celtic religion, this passing day was the start of the new year. May things end and begin as always. Harvesting from the growth when deemed nessecary. And enjoying it when it comes to pass
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