nothing like...
getting home. standing in the bedroom unpacking and repacking to have the warmest arms wrap themselves around you and lips kiss the top of your head.
this is me- like it or not
getting home. standing in the bedroom unpacking and repacking to have the warmest arms wrap themselves around you and lips kiss the top of your head.
its been a hell of a week. knee deep in a project and it birthed a new one. I will be away most of feb. between conferences, the new project and a personal trip to seattle. I don't want to go anywhere on the days justin and i are taking off, i want to stay home and lay around and snuggle. because when it is march I will be away again for 2 full weeks all on work plus a weekend. maybe this time J will take a day off and meet me in flordia so we can lay on a beach!
the plauge at work is passing around like wild fire. and last night i was so full of aches I couldnt fall asleep and I was in a super hot bath at midnight, just so i could relax the muscles. I am sure walking in the rain yesterday didnt help.
i am not one for new year, new start, second change kind of mentality. but I am one that decides on some goals and starts on them full speed ahead.