Friday, May 26, 2006


so my weekend away with my friend was amazing. the hotel was stellar. i am completely relaxed. but i made some baseline requirements for the vacation after the next one (July's vacation is already booked to the bahamas)

- must be legal to sun bathe toppless
- must need a passport
- must be closer to the equator
- must be reasonably priced
- must be for j and i
- i must not get picapica (divers call it sea lice- it is bites from larvae jellyfish or algae and only happens to people who are allergic* and is the itchiest thing EVER)
- must be super fun

so where can i get all of these things you ask?**

and i booked the hotel for Nov 25-Dec 1 :)
just need to buy tix

** existnce if picapica TBD

Friday, May 19, 2006

ahh the sweet smell of friday

especially before a long weekend which will be spent on a beach, in the sun (hopefully) i am all packed, ready to leave. but not quite prepared to get up at 2:30 this morning. might as well not sleep....

today we are having a pot luck at work- so with joint effort we have managed to create some latin /south american flavors. i smell like garlic. it is in my skin. i could smell worse, but after a night of chopping garlic it is so hard to get the scents off of you.

i have been aiming to go to the baroness this week. i need to get my black top and hot pants fitted to be a bit better. yumm latex. I know i am getting to the point where i am slowing down on my fetish infused life. partially do to the fact that my partner's level of interest is not the same as mine. although i enjoy the indulgence, i would rather enjoy indulgences with him not alone. i feel it more and more when i attend parties alone and i as much as i love prancing around i would rather be at home with him or doing anything else as long as he were with me (and it involved an equal opportunity for sexual fun)

see. nothing exciting to report. sorry, person in elizabeth nj who seems to read me reguallry.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

there is nothing like..

a night spent worshiping the porcelain gods when you didn't even drink.

aside from my head pounding and my eyes being blood shot i am a bit better. meaning i having puked in nearly 12 hours. which is an improvement.

this weekend, i will be traveling for fun with my friend. This is the first time in my life i am vacationing with friends. per justin, i almost always traveled alone unless with family. and since J i have always traveled with him or alone to see family.

this weekend i will accomplish:
- sleeping on the beach
- snorkeling
- going to the spa
- getting sun burnt
- relaxing
- de-stressing my brain

tonight i need to accomplish:
- making rice and beans
- making salsa
- packing
- planting some seedlings in dirt
- not being sick

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

wow, i ate all thw advil in the cabinet at work

so my last post was jammed packed with excitable how happy i am stuff. since my birthday, it is not like i am not still excitable and happy, but just about every circumstance of my life has changed.

it began on april 18, when returning from work after my vacation i had a big bright orange envelope on my car. if you live in the NYC boroughs you know this means you owe somebody some money for a parking blunder. this time, the blunder was the a 2 looks like a 5 but backwards, and conciously for the last 3 months i had been driving around with an expired inspection sticker becasue i SWORE it was due in May, just like the registration.

The nice cop, notified me that I was wrong. And becasue of him, I got a new inspection and a 65 notification fee.

The following day, I get to work, and i knew this was happening, but the TEAM meeting of department reorg happened. not something i was looking forward to and something that had been causing some internal anxiety over was put into place. i still hope i don't get screwed. as an update, I have ANOTHER new manager and my position is being moved again. This is a record 3 managers, 1 job, 9 months! YAH!

The next day, or it could have been that evening I do not remember, i went to Target. It must have been the next day. Anyway, i had dinner with my friend, my former boss 2 bosses ago, for my birthday. My tooth had been hurting for awhile,* and it was kinda intense. So in the line at Target (said with a french accent) I stuck my finger in my mouth becasue really I am 6. And low and behold i pushed a bit on the tooth that was hurting and THE CAP FELL OFF! it was awful and it hurt. and i had no dentist and i have no money to pay for this.

the reason why it hurt: as i looked at the cap (which the dentist now has, or by now the garbage dump) and i had worn through most of the porcelin, and in some areas, yeas, i had made holes in the metal. I don't know what I am doing but that explains the pain the last few months.

So the next day, I find a dentist get my car inspeted and start getting a new cap made for my tooth. The dentist drilled a bit, and put in a temp and set me on my way. Assuring me that it would not need a root canal but it might actually need one if the pain doesn't ago away **
The pain lasted and was awful until i went back. He proceeded to remove the cap with out me being novicaned to see where i was having pain percisely and i yelped. yes, it freaking hurt.

so we begin a root canal (the pain isn't as bad as it was but i finish up the canal on thursday! no pain but no money! full price should be about 2 grand...)

so on top of all this i decide to get mad at justin for everything possible. confess my deepest fears and discuss breaking up if things do not change. it isn't that i am not happy or i am not in love with him. it was obvious we both have been board. So we talked*** and have come to the conclusion that we both need to put more energy into things if it is going to work. So far, we have. And it has been working, and it is feeling better. And we booked a vaction for July and talked about renuing the lease in October.

Part of our frustation has been the lack of things to look forward to. The other, is routine he feels we have. So there are plans for activites
i never finishing this post but i am sticking up anyway

* a few months
** note: pain so bad i was eating 4 advil about every 4 hours until i went back
*** for many hours over the span if a few days