Wednesday, December 13, 2006

2007 wrap up on travel

Do to Claire's previous comment about traveling every month in 2007 (actually not ever month) I figured I would do a 2006 travfel wrap up...

jan- seattle and flordia (one week)
feb- florida yes again i was also there a whole week again...
march - 1 wk in flordia for work which was still awesome
april-ft lauderdale and flordia keys
may- san juan, pr
june- no where :)
july- Bahamas and Ohio
aug- flordia for a week for work
sept- vermont
oct- flordia for 2 weeks and ohio
nov - aruba
dec - aruba cont
so where did i want to go and not get t0 visit:
AZ, Culebra, Maine, Austin, Portland OR and CA
and I still haven't been to Mexico and that is the runover trip from 2005.

I would also like to add Nashville and Atlanta to possible 2007 cities.

leaving me to ask you, where did you go in 2006 and where do you hope to go in 2007?

the preliminary list of travel destinations for 2007

jan- orlando (no days off plus weekend in the keys) - plus an overnighter to Ohio
feb - el salvador and/or Phoenix, AZ - (2 for el salv, 1 for AZ )
march- orlando/flight to ft lauderdale for a weekend in the keys (no days off)
april/may- iceland (2 days off yay long weekend and birthday!)
june- seattle (1 day)
july- st johns or culebra (5 days off)
aug- unknown
sept- weekend trip to.... who knows where?? (2 days)
oct - unknown
nov/dec: cancun (5 days)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

lathargic and not interested in the gym today

i hate this weather. if the sun isn't out i feel like ass. that means, today I feel exactly like ass and sitting on mine. I have accomplished very little at work, at crap for lunch, and don't have much ambition to go to the gym.

But I will be a trooper. I don't want to gain any weight. I like my current size and am afraid if i miss the gym and keep eating this way my current size will alter, and I wont be happy even if the sun is out.

i think if i moved to a sunnier place with warmer weather I would be happier and I would be more active.

yup- this weather just makes me pretty miserable.

a short list of things i can't stand
1. people who listen to their ipod on the subway loud enough for me to hear it across the aisle and down 5 people.
2. people who wear perfume and spread their stink to public places and to work
3. people in trendy clubs who have no identity but wear 180$ jeans
4. people who look like the wear hit with the bitch stick and never smile
5. anyone who acts condescending

Thursday, December 07, 2006

aruba was amazing

i will eventually transcribe my written words from our vacation but to sum it up= i loved the weather and the climate and the landscape. It was amazing.

This is Freddy the lizard. He had a love for stawberry daquri's

It was hard coming back to the cold weather. My body isn't happy with the cold at all, although my hair is much straighter here than it was in Aruba, it is less manageable.

This house is slowly getting decorated. Although I managed to get the tree up at work already!

I am exhausted, and need the weekend to get here so I can not go to work and just have fun!