another night
another beer
my hand still empty
thought lost
another chance gone
my head still empty
dream broken
look forgotten
my heart again bleeds.
this is me- like it or not
another night
UGHHHH 8 fucking months and I still dont have my stuff back
the fact my knees are no longer the size of my thighs
IT DID NOT SAY WAKE UP WITH A POUNDING HEADACHE was part of the package deal.
since i have been such a whiny bitch lately
Like a driven wave,
they took all the fluid out of my right knee today. things looks crapy. there is so much on my mind I dont even want to begin writing it.
i am quickly writing. Since I have been stuck in bed and unable to move for 2 days. If you want details of whats wrong call. I dont like talking about it. but human contact is very welcome. Bad for someone who likes to be out all the time to be stuck in one room for days now. No I am not vomiting or with a fever. i will hopefully see more drs today. For the most part it seems the worst is over.
i think someone has a little voodoo doll of me and sticks it with pins and this week they decided to make my joints swell up. My knees look like they belong to a 500 pound fat woman.
i think i need a time out. Sent to my bed room to think about what I have done. or in that matter what I really need to think about becasue I am avoiding issues. A lot of issues. I really need to lose the 10 pounds I gained this fall. I dont like being this fat. Its disgusting.
so much can be said about how people smile and what is behind it. Sometimes I miss seeing someone smile at me and me being behind what makes them smile.
there comes a point in one's life in which you just realize it is the same patterns that repeat themselves. The only thing changing is the circumstances, the people and how you react.
asleep mess at 1 am and decided to drive home. Not thinking to call anyone. Thinking my friends left me to freeze to death passed out in my car in some parking lot. I stayed in my car till somewhere close to 1:30 trying to decide if I were capable of driving home. No sign of anyone, and most of the left over remainder cars were now gone. I decided to drive home at that point.